Check-in [1b3d82054b]
Comment:Wrote function for freeing identities

Wrote function for determining label from identity

Consolidated freeing of identities to use new function

Consolidated label lookups to use new function

Fixed bug with releasing identities, but not reducing the number of identities

Downloads: Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive
Timelines: family | ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Files: files | file ages | folders
SHA1: 1b3d82054ba6dbc4c9cdbe81851420742a339173
User & Date: rkeene on 2010-05-14 22:10:13
Other Links: manifest | tags
Fixed memory leaks

Updated to only rescan for identities if a slot reset has been detected check-in: f006b206b1 user: rkeene tags: trunk

Wrote function for freeing identities

Wrote function for determining label from identity

Consolidated freeing of identities to use new function

Consolidated label lookups to use new function

Fixed bug with releasing identities, but not reducing the number of identities check-in: 1b3d82054b user: rkeene tags: trunk

Added support for reading label from CAC as string check-in: 2f0a97a3f1 user: rkeene tags: trunk