Check-in [330efa4f3b]
Comment:Updated ignores

Updated read_tlv to return a list

Added a free_tlv function

Updated value->str conversion functions to be more flexible/direct

Added sample code to select all PKI applets/files

Simplified TLV entity

Downloads: Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive
Timelines: family | ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Files: files | file ages | folders
SHA1: 330efa4f3bb6e0e6f40dd55c33bb6290ff0e41d1
User & Date: rkeene on 2010-05-12 19:35:41
Other Links: manifest | tags
Added routines for reading certificates

Updated OpenSession to use PC/SC certificates

Comment and debugging update

Updated to read in larger chunks to improve speed check-in: 06e07b8f0d user: rkeene tags: trunk

Updated ignores

Updated read_tlv to return a list

Added a free_tlv function

Updated value->str conversion functions to be more flexible/direct

Added sample code to select all PKI applets/files

Simplified TLV entity check-in: 330efa4f3b user: rkeene tags: trunk

Updated PC/SC error messages to include text return value as well as numeric value

Minor reorganization check-in: 2d8b4030f7 user: rkeene tags: trunk
