History of file build/chrome/build-deps at check-in 32d54df268595cb5
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17:21 | Use patched version of libpcsc file: [035611c6f5] check-in: [4aa7799e7f] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 5232 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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19:42 | Cleanup, more work towards a stable release file: [7ffe8225b5] check-in: [d2b0a782d9] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 5232 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
18:16 | Upgraded to latest nacl-libpcsc and started using the sightly cleaner interfaces file: [630f1897fa] check-in: [357cf7b22f] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 5232 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
17:07 | Updated to use NaCl libpcsc (in progress) file: [faff128b75] check-in: [c3e0c9025e] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 5232 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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17:50 | ChromeOS: Slightly better PCSC-NaCl initialization and enabled debugging in all projects file: [dd6eb9c6ce] check-in: [c4916c27cd] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 9944 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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06:39 | ChromeOS: Restructured initialization so that the Google PCSC Smartcard Manager App ID can be found at runtime file: [2732a78124] check-in: [16b40cb47e] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 9862 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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04:06 | ChromeOS: Removed debugging from PCSC bridge initialization file: [5999de848a] check-in: [433d53f019] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 9604 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
03:47 | ChromeOS: Disable DOD certs getting built-in to CACKey since they will never get used anyway file: [13d302559b] check-in: [8c99b5e102] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 9880 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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18:33 | ChromeOS: Updated to pass messages to the PCSC-NACL plugin if they do not belong to us file: [417516a8f7] check-in: [b7dc336d0f] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 9860 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
16:04 | ChromeOS: Hard-coded ID of smartcard manager app file: [8ff9a8d29a] check-in: [2c83f782c6] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 9608 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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23:04 | More work towards getting ChromeOS extension going file: [c94a1830f2] check-in: [9e8c8d0997] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 9608 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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17:50 | Refer to correct PC/SC headers and link to zlib in final target file: [93232701c1] check-in: [88d2f36ad4] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 8167 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
17:36 | Better work towards a Chrome plugin file: [cf02f45fdc] check-in: [7c7e9cf4fc] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 8095 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
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18:57 | Updated to support building static archives and to check a cache variable regarding PC/SC working file: [f83599ae85] check-in: [a708a36250] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 8870 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
17:42 | More work towards standardizing NaCl build file: [bf636f72b1] check-in: [ce27ad0559] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 9190 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
08:03 | Removed extra debugging symbols no longer needed file: [d77e49c779] check-in: [378c58fb5a] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 9054 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
08:03 | Chrome extension cleanups file: [f6aa807d46] check-in: [482f4fa828] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 9065 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
07:08 | Add header files for pcsclite file: [9ef058ff69] check-in: [b4f1d32aff] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 7739 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff] | |
05:26 | Added: Added start of a Google Chrome extension file: [7f9ef1ab4d] check-in: [fc49ac54cf] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 7614 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] | |