History of libcackey.syms.in of 2c6a5fb7ddeccb1df5d9feb52202588b34134629

History of the file that is called libcackey.syms.in at check-in 2c6a5fb7ddeccb1df5d9feb52202588b34134629

Renamed libcackey.syms → libcackey.syms.in. More work towards getting Mac OS X to export only the symbols we care about file: [546f0d7df5] check-in: [fa022cbc5d] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 1758 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [diff]
Added: CACKey 0.6.4

Moved determining how to weaken and strip symbols into an autoconf macro

Added support for stripping symbols to Mac OS X builds file: [cfac1b7560] check-in: [521abe23e2] user: rkeene, branch: trunk, size: 1010 [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]