/*++ Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: WinSCard Abstract: This header file provides the definitions and symbols necessary for an Application or Smart Card Service Provider to access the Smartcard Subsystem. Environment: Win32 Notes: --*/ #ifndef _WINSCARD_H_ #define _WINSCARD_H_ #if defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020) #pragma once #endif #include #include #include "winsmcrd.h" #ifndef SCARD_S_SUCCESS #include "SCardErr.h" #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef _LPCBYTE_DEFINED #define _LPCBYTE_DEFINED typedef const BYTE *LPCBYTE; #endif #ifndef _LPCVOID_DEFINED #define _LPCVOID_DEFINED typedef const VOID *LPCVOID; #endif #ifndef WINSCARDAPI #define WINSCARDAPI #endif #ifndef WINSCARDDATA #define WINSCARDDATA __declspec(dllimport) #endif /* In clr:pure we cannot mark data export with dllimport. * We should add small functions which returns the value of * the global. */ #if !defined(_M_CEE_PURE) WINSCARDDATA extern const SCARD_IO_REQUEST g_rgSCardT0Pci, g_rgSCardT1Pci, g_rgSCardRawPci; #define SCARD_PCI_T0 (&g_rgSCardT0Pci) #define SCARD_PCI_T1 (&g_rgSCardT1Pci) #define SCARD_PCI_RAW (&g_rgSCardRawPci) #endif // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Service Manager Access Services // // The following services are used to manage user and terminal contexts for // Smart Cards. // typedef ULONG_PTR SCARDCONTEXT; typedef SCARDCONTEXT *PSCARDCONTEXT, *LPSCARDCONTEXT; typedef ULONG_PTR SCARDHANDLE; typedef SCARDHANDLE *PSCARDHANDLE, *LPSCARDHANDLE; #define SCARD_AUTOALLOCATE (DWORD)(-1) #define SCARD_SCOPE_USER 0 // The context is a user context, and any // database operations are performed within the // domain of the user. #define SCARD_SCOPE_TERMINAL 1 // The context is that of the current terminal, // and any database operations are performed // within the domain of that terminal. (The // calling application must have appropriate // access permissions for any database actions.) #define SCARD_SCOPE_SYSTEM 2 // The context is the system context, and any // database operations are performed within the // domain of the system. (The calling // application must have appropriate access // permissions for any database actions.) extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardEstablishContext( __in DWORD dwScope, __reserved LPCVOID pvReserved1, __reserved LPCVOID pvReserved2, __out LPSCARDCONTEXT phContext); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardReleaseContext( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardIsValidContext( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext); // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Smart Card Database Management Services // // The following services provide for managing the Smart Card Database. // #define SCARD_ALL_READERS TEXT("SCard$AllReaders\000") #define SCARD_DEFAULT_READERS TEXT("SCard$DefaultReaders\000") #define SCARD_LOCAL_READERS TEXT("SCard$LocalReaders\000") #define SCARD_SYSTEM_READERS TEXT("SCard$SystemReaders\000") #define SCARD_PROVIDER_PRIMARY 1 // Primary Provider Id #define SCARD_PROVIDER_CSP 2 // Crypto Service Provider Id #define SCARD_PROVIDER_KSP 3 // Key Storage Provider Id // // Database Reader routines // extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardListReaderGroupsA( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __nullnullterminated __out_ecount_opt(*pcchGroups) LPSTR mszGroups, __inout LPDWORD pcchGroups); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardListReaderGroupsW( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __nullnullterminated __out_ecount_opt(*pcchGroups) LPWSTR mszGroups, __inout LPDWORD pcchGroups); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardListReaderGroups SCardListReaderGroupsW #else #define SCardListReaderGroups SCardListReaderGroupsA #endif // !UNICODE extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardListReadersA( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in_opt LPCSTR mszGroups, __nullnullterminated __out_ecount_opt(*pcchReaders) LPSTR mszReaders, __inout LPDWORD pcchReaders); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardListReadersW( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in_opt LPCWSTR mszGroups, __nullnullterminated __out_ecount_opt(*pcchReaders) LPWSTR mszReaders, __inout LPDWORD pcchReaders); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardListReaders SCardListReadersW #else #define SCardListReaders SCardListReadersA #endif // !UNICODE extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardListCardsA( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in_opt LPCBYTE pbAtr, __in_ecount_opt(cguidInterfaceCount) LPCGUID rgquidInterfaces, __in DWORD cguidInterfaceCount, __nullnullterminated __out_ecount_opt(*pcchCards) LPSTR mszCards, __inout LPDWORD pcchCards); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardListCardsW( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in_opt LPCBYTE pbAtr, __in_ecount_opt(cguidInterfaceCount) LPCGUID rgquidInterfaces, __in DWORD cguidInterfaceCount, __nullnullterminated __out_ecount_opt(*pcchCards) LPWSTR mszCards, __inout LPDWORD pcchCards); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardListCards SCardListCardsW #else #define SCardListCards SCardListCardsA #endif // !UNICODE // // NOTE: The routine SCardListCards name differs from the PC/SC definition. // It should be: // // extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI // SCardListCardTypes( // __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, // __in_opt LPCBYTE pbAtr, // __in_opt LPCGUID rgquidInterfaces, // __in DWORD cguidInterfaceCount, // __out_opt LPTSTR mszCards, // __inout LPDWORD pcchCards); // // Here's a work-around MACRO: #define SCardListCardTypes SCardListCards extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardListInterfacesA( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCSTR szCard, __out LPGUID pguidInterfaces, __inout LPDWORD pcguidInterfaces); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardListInterfacesW( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCWSTR szCard, __out LPGUID pguidInterfaces, __inout LPDWORD pcguidInterfaces); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardListInterfaces SCardListInterfacesW #else #define SCardListInterfaces SCardListInterfacesA #endif // !UNICODE extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardGetProviderIdA( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCSTR szCard, __out LPGUID pguidProviderId); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardGetProviderIdW( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCWSTR szCard, __out LPGUID pguidProviderId); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardGetProviderId SCardGetProviderIdW #else #define SCardGetProviderId SCardGetProviderIdA #endif // !UNICODE // // NOTE: The routine SCardGetProviderId in this implementation uses GUIDs. // The PC/SC definition uses BYTEs. // extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardGetCardTypeProviderNameA( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCSTR szCardName, __in DWORD dwProviderId, __out_ecount_opt(*pcchProvider) LPSTR szProvider, __inout LPDWORD pcchProvider); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardGetCardTypeProviderNameW( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCWSTR szCardName, __in DWORD dwProviderId, __out_ecount_opt(*pcchProvider) LPWSTR szProvider, __inout LPDWORD pcchProvider); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardGetCardTypeProviderName SCardGetCardTypeProviderNameW #else #define SCardGetCardTypeProviderName SCardGetCardTypeProviderNameA #endif // !UNICODE // // NOTE: This routine is an extension to the PC/SC definitions. // // // Database Writer routines // extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardIntroduceReaderGroupA( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCSTR szGroupName); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardIntroduceReaderGroupW( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCWSTR szGroupName); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardIntroduceReaderGroup SCardIntroduceReaderGroupW #else #define SCardIntroduceReaderGroup SCardIntroduceReaderGroupA #endif // !UNICODE extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardForgetReaderGroupA( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCSTR szGroupName); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardForgetReaderGroupW( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCWSTR szGroupName); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardForgetReaderGroup SCardForgetReaderGroupW #else #define SCardForgetReaderGroup SCardForgetReaderGroupA #endif // !UNICODE extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardIntroduceReaderA( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCSTR szReaderName, __in LPCSTR szDeviceName); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardIntroduceReaderW( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCWSTR szReaderName, __in LPCWSTR szDeviceName); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardIntroduceReader SCardIntroduceReaderW #else #define SCardIntroduceReader SCardIntroduceReaderA #endif // !UNICODE extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardForgetReaderA( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCSTR szReaderName); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardForgetReaderW( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCWSTR szReaderName); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardForgetReader SCardForgetReaderW #else #define SCardForgetReader SCardForgetReaderA #endif // !UNICODE extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardAddReaderToGroupA( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCSTR szReaderName, __in LPCSTR szGroupName); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardAddReaderToGroupW( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCWSTR szReaderName, __in LPCWSTR szGroupName); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardAddReaderToGroup SCardAddReaderToGroupW #else #define SCardAddReaderToGroup SCardAddReaderToGroupA #endif // !UNICODE extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardRemoveReaderFromGroupA( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCSTR szReaderName, __in LPCSTR szGroupName); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardRemoveReaderFromGroupW( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCWSTR szReaderName, __in LPCWSTR szGroupName); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardRemoveReaderFromGroup SCardRemoveReaderFromGroupW #else #define SCardRemoveReaderFromGroup SCardRemoveReaderFromGroupA #endif // !UNICODE extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardIntroduceCardTypeA( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCSTR szCardName, __in_opt LPCGUID pguidPrimaryProvider, __in_opt LPCGUID rgguidInterfaces, __in DWORD dwInterfaceCount, __in LPCBYTE pbAtr, __in LPCBYTE pbAtrMask, __in DWORD cbAtrLen); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardIntroduceCardTypeW( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCWSTR szCardName, __in_opt LPCGUID pguidPrimaryProvider, __in_opt LPCGUID rgguidInterfaces, __in DWORD dwInterfaceCount, __in LPCBYTE pbAtr, __in LPCBYTE pbAtrMask, __in DWORD cbAtrLen); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardIntroduceCardType SCardIntroduceCardTypeW #else #define SCardIntroduceCardType SCardIntroduceCardTypeA #endif // !UNICODE // // NOTE: The routine SCardIntroduceCardType's parameters' order differs from // the PC/SC definition. It should be: // // extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI // SCardIntroduceCardType( // __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, // __in LPCTSTR szCardName, // __in LPCBYTE pbAtr, // __in LPCBYTE pbAtrMask, // __in DWORD cbAtrLen, // __in_opt LPCGUID pguidPrimaryProvider, // __in_opt LPCGUID rgguidInterfaces, // __in DWORD dwInterfaceCount); // // Here's a work-around MACRO: #define PCSCardIntroduceCardType(hContext, szCardName, pbAtr, pbAtrMask, cbAtrLen, pguidPrimaryProvider, rgguidInterfaces, dwInterfaceCount) \ SCardIntroduceCardType(hContext, szCardName, pguidPrimaryProvider, rgguidInterfaces, dwInterfaceCount, pbAtr, pbAtrMask, cbAtrLen) extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardSetCardTypeProviderNameA( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCSTR szCardName, __in DWORD dwProviderId, __in LPCSTR szProvider); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardSetCardTypeProviderNameW( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCWSTR szCardName, __in DWORD dwProviderId, __in LPCWSTR szProvider); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardSetCardTypeProviderName SCardSetCardTypeProviderNameW #else #define SCardSetCardTypeProviderName SCardSetCardTypeProviderNameA #endif // !UNICODE // // NOTE: This routine is an extention to the PC/SC specifications. // extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardForgetCardTypeA( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCSTR szCardName); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardForgetCardTypeW( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCWSTR szCardName); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardForgetCardType SCardForgetCardTypeW #else #define SCardForgetCardType SCardForgetCardTypeA #endif // !UNICODE // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Service Manager Support Routines // // The following services are supplied to simplify the use of the Service // Manager API. // extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardFreeMemory( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCVOID pvMem); #if (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WINXP) extern WINSCARDAPI HANDLE WINAPI SCardAccessStartedEvent(void); extern WINSCARDAPI void WINAPI SCardReleaseStartedEvent(void); #endif // (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WINXP) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Reader Services // // The following services supply means for tracking cards within readers. // typedef struct { LPCSTR szReader; // reader name LPVOID pvUserData; // user defined data DWORD dwCurrentState; // current state of reader at time of call DWORD dwEventState; // state of reader after state change DWORD cbAtr; // Number of bytes in the returned ATR. BYTE rgbAtr[36]; // Atr of inserted card, (extra alignment bytes) } SCARD_READERSTATEA, *PSCARD_READERSTATEA, *LPSCARD_READERSTATEA; typedef struct { LPCWSTR szReader; // reader name LPVOID pvUserData; // user defined data DWORD dwCurrentState; // current state of reader at time of call DWORD dwEventState; // state of reader after state change DWORD cbAtr; // Number of bytes in the returned ATR. BYTE rgbAtr[36]; // Atr of inserted card, (extra alignment bytes) } SCARD_READERSTATEW, *PSCARD_READERSTATEW, *LPSCARD_READERSTATEW; #ifdef UNICODE typedef SCARD_READERSTATEW SCARD_READERSTATE; typedef PSCARD_READERSTATEW PSCARD_READERSTATE; typedef LPSCARD_READERSTATEW LPSCARD_READERSTATE; #else typedef SCARD_READERSTATEA SCARD_READERSTATE; typedef PSCARD_READERSTATEA PSCARD_READERSTATE; typedef LPSCARD_READERSTATEA LPSCARD_READERSTATE; #endif // UNICODE // Backwards compatibility macros #define SCARD_READERSTATE_A SCARD_READERSTATEA #define SCARD_READERSTATE_W SCARD_READERSTATEW #define PSCARD_READERSTATE_A PSCARD_READERSTATEA #define PSCARD_READERSTATE_W PSCARD_READERSTATEW #define LPSCARD_READERSTATE_A LPSCARD_READERSTATEA #define LPSCARD_READERSTATE_W LPSCARD_READERSTATEW #define SCARD_STATE_UNAWARE 0x00000000 // The application is unaware of the // current state, and would like to // know. The use of this value // results in an immediate return // from state transition monitoring // services. This is represented by // all bits set to zero. #define SCARD_STATE_IGNORE 0x00000001 // The application requested that // this reader be ignored. No other // bits will be set. #define SCARD_STATE_CHANGED 0x00000002 // This implies that there is a // difference between the state // believed by the application, and // the state known by the Service // Manager. When this bit is set, // the application may assume a // significant state change has // occurred on this reader. #define SCARD_STATE_UNKNOWN 0x00000004 // This implies that the given // reader name is not recognized by // the Service Manager. If this bit // is set, then SCARD_STATE_CHANGED // and SCARD_STATE_IGNORE will also // be set. #define SCARD_STATE_UNAVAILABLE 0x00000008 // This implies that the actual // state of this reader is not // available. If this bit is set, // then all the following bits are // clear. #define SCARD_STATE_EMPTY 0x00000010 // This implies that there is not // card in the reader. If this bit // is set, all the following bits // will be clear. #define SCARD_STATE_PRESENT 0x00000020 // This implies that there is a card // in the reader. #define SCARD_STATE_ATRMATCH 0x00000040 // This implies that there is a card // in the reader with an ATR // matching one of the target cards. // If this bit is set, // SCARD_STATE_PRESENT will also be // set. This bit is only returned // on the SCardLocateCard() service. #define SCARD_STATE_EXCLUSIVE 0x00000080 // This implies that the card in the // reader is allocated for exclusive // use by another application. If // this bit is set, // SCARD_STATE_PRESENT will also be // set. #define SCARD_STATE_INUSE 0x00000100 // This implies that the card in the // reader is in use by one or more // other applications, but may be // connected to in shared mode. If // this bit is set, // SCARD_STATE_PRESENT will also be // set. #define SCARD_STATE_MUTE 0x00000200 // This implies that the card in the // reader is unresponsive or not // supported by the reader or // software. #define SCARD_STATE_UNPOWERED 0x00000400 // This implies that the card in the // reader has not been powered up. extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardLocateCardsA( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCSTR mszCards, __inout LPSCARD_READERSTATEA rgReaderStates, __in DWORD cReaders); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardLocateCardsW( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCWSTR mszCards, __inout LPSCARD_READERSTATEW rgReaderStates, __in DWORD cReaders); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardLocateCards SCardLocateCardsW #else #define SCardLocateCards SCardLocateCardsA #endif // !UNICODE #if (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WINXP) typedef struct _SCARD_ATRMASK { DWORD cbAtr; // Number of bytes in the ATR and the mask. BYTE rgbAtr[36]; // Atr of card (extra alignment bytes) BYTE rgbMask[36]; // Mask for the Atr (extra alignment bytes) } SCARD_ATRMASK, *PSCARD_ATRMASK, *LPSCARD_ATRMASK; extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardLocateCardsByATRA( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPSCARD_ATRMASK rgAtrMasks, __in DWORD cAtrs, __inout LPSCARD_READERSTATEA rgReaderStates, __in DWORD cReaders); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardLocateCardsByATRW( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPSCARD_ATRMASK rgAtrMasks, __in DWORD cAtrs, __inout LPSCARD_READERSTATEW rgReaderStates, __in DWORD cReaders); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardLocateCardsByATR SCardLocateCardsByATRW #else #define SCardLocateCardsByATR SCardLocateCardsByATRA #endif // !UNICODE #endif // (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WINXP) extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardGetStatusChangeA( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in DWORD dwTimeout, __inout LPSCARD_READERSTATEA rgReaderStates, __in DWORD cReaders); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardGetStatusChangeW( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in DWORD dwTimeout, __inout LPSCARD_READERSTATEW rgReaderStates, __in DWORD cReaders); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardGetStatusChange SCardGetStatusChangeW #else #define SCardGetStatusChange SCardGetStatusChangeA #endif // !UNICODE extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardCancel( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext); // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Card/Reader Communication Services // // The following services provide means for communication with the card. // #define SCARD_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE 1 // This application is not willing to share this // card with other applications. #define SCARD_SHARE_SHARED 2 // This application is willing to share this // card with other applications. #define SCARD_SHARE_DIRECT 3 // This application demands direct control of // the reader, so it is not available to other // applications. #define SCARD_LEAVE_CARD 0 // Don't do anything special on close #define SCARD_RESET_CARD 1 // Reset the card on close #define SCARD_UNPOWER_CARD 2 // Power down the card on close #define SCARD_EJECT_CARD 3 // Eject the card on close extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardConnectA( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCSTR szReader, __in DWORD dwShareMode, __in DWORD dwPreferredProtocols, __out LPSCARDHANDLE phCard, __out LPDWORD pdwActiveProtocol); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardConnectW( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in LPCWSTR szReader, __in DWORD dwShareMode, __in DWORD dwPreferredProtocols, __out LPSCARDHANDLE phCard, __out LPDWORD pdwActiveProtocol); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardConnect SCardConnectW #else #define SCardConnect SCardConnectA #endif // !UNICODE extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardReconnect( __in SCARDHANDLE hCard, __in DWORD dwShareMode, __in DWORD dwPreferredProtocols, __in DWORD dwInitialization, __out_opt LPDWORD pdwActiveProtocol); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardDisconnect( __in SCARDHANDLE hCard, __in DWORD dwDisposition); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardBeginTransaction( __in SCARDHANDLE hCard); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardEndTransaction( __in SCARDHANDLE hCard, __in DWORD dwDisposition); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardCancelTransaction( __in SCARDHANDLE hCard); // // NOTE: This call corresponds to the PC/SC SCARDCOMM::Cancel routine, // terminating a blocked SCardBeginTransaction service. // extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardState( __in SCARDHANDLE hCard, __out LPDWORD pdwState, __out LPDWORD pdwProtocol, __out_bcount(*pcbAtrLen) LPBYTE pbAtr, __inout LPDWORD pcbAtrLen); // // NOTE: SCardState is an obsolete routine. PC/SC has replaced it with // SCardStatus. // extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardStatusA( __in SCARDHANDLE hCard, __nullnullterminated __out_ecount_opt(*pcchReaderLen) LPSTR mszReaderNames, __inout_opt LPDWORD pcchReaderLen, __out_opt LPDWORD pdwState, __out_opt LPDWORD pdwProtocol, __out_ecount_opt(*pcbAtrLen) LPBYTE pbAtr, __inout_opt LPDWORD pcbAtrLen); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardStatusW( __in SCARDHANDLE hCard, __nullnullterminated __out_ecount_opt(*pcchReaderLen) LPWSTR mszReaderNames, __inout_opt LPDWORD pcchReaderLen, __out_opt LPDWORD pdwState, __out_opt LPDWORD pdwProtocol, __out_ecount_opt(*pcbAtrLen) LPBYTE pbAtr, __inout_opt LPDWORD pcbAtrLen); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardStatus SCardStatusW #else #define SCardStatus SCardStatusA #endif // !UNICODE extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardTransmit( __in SCARDHANDLE hCard, __in LPCSCARD_IO_REQUEST pioSendPci, __in_bcount(cbSendLength) LPCBYTE pbSendBuffer, __in DWORD cbSendLength, __inout_opt LPSCARD_IO_REQUEST pioRecvPci, __out_bcount(*pcbRecvLength) LPBYTE pbRecvBuffer, __inout LPDWORD pcbRecvLength); #if (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_VISTA) extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardGetTransmitCount( __in SCARDHANDLE hCard, __out LPDWORD pcTransmitCount); #endif // (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_VISTA) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Reader Control Routines // // The following services provide for direct, low-level manipulation of the // reader by the calling application allowing it control over the // attributes of the communications with the card. // extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardControl( __in SCARDHANDLE hCard, __in DWORD dwControlCode, __in_bcount(cbInBufferSize) LPCVOID lpInBuffer, __in DWORD cbInBufferSize, __out_bcount(cbOutBufferSize) LPVOID lpOutBuffer, __in DWORD cbOutBufferSize, __out LPDWORD lpBytesReturned); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardGetAttrib( __in SCARDHANDLE hCard, __in DWORD dwAttrId, __out_bcount_opt(*pcbAttrLen) LPBYTE pbAttr, __inout LPDWORD pcbAttrLen); // // NOTE: The routine SCardGetAttrib's name differs from the PC/SC definition. // It should be: // // extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI // SCardGetReaderCapabilities( // __in SCARDHANDLE hCard, // __in DWORD dwTag, // __out LPBYTE pbAttr, // __inout LPDWORD pcbAttrLen); // // Here's a work-around MACRO: #define SCardGetReaderCapabilities SCardGetAttrib extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardSetAttrib( __in SCARDHANDLE hCard, __in DWORD dwAttrId, __in_bcount(cbAttrLen) LPCBYTE pbAttr, __in DWORD cbAttrLen); // // NOTE: The routine SCardSetAttrib's name differs from the PC/SC definition. // It should be: // // extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI // SCardSetReaderCapabilities( // __in SCARDHANDLE hCard, // __in DWORD dwTag, // __in LPCBYTE pbAttr, // __in DWORD cbAttrLen); // // Here's a work-around MACRO: #define SCardSetReaderCapabilities SCardSetAttrib // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Smart Card Dialog definitions // // The following section contains structures and exported function // declarations for the Smart Card Common Dialog dialog. // // Defined constants // Flags #define SC_DLG_MINIMAL_UI 0x01 #define SC_DLG_NO_UI 0x02 #define SC_DLG_FORCE_UI 0x04 #define SCERR_NOCARDNAME 0x4000 #define SCERR_NOGUIDS 0x8000 typedef SCARDHANDLE (WINAPI *LPOCNCONNPROCA) (__in SCARDCONTEXT, __in LPSTR, __in LPSTR, __in PVOID); typedef SCARDHANDLE (WINAPI *LPOCNCONNPROCW) (__in SCARDCONTEXT, __in LPWSTR, __in LPWSTR, __in PVOID); #ifdef UNICODE #define LPOCNCONNPROC LPOCNCONNPROCW #else #define LPOCNCONNPROC LPOCNCONNPROCA #endif // !UNICODE typedef BOOL (WINAPI *LPOCNCHKPROC) (__in SCARDCONTEXT, __in SCARDHANDLE, __in PVOID); typedef void (WINAPI *LPOCNDSCPROC) (__in SCARDCONTEXT, __in SCARDHANDLE, __in PVOID); // // OPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIA: In order to specify a user-extended search, // lpfnCheck must not be NULL. Moreover, the connection to be made to the // card before performing the callback must be indicated by either providing // lpfnConnect and lpfnDisconnect OR by setting dwShareMode. // If both the connection callbacks and dwShareMode are non-NULL, the callbacks // will be used. // typedef struct { DWORD dwStructSize; LPSTR lpstrGroupNames; // OPTIONAL reader groups to include in DWORD nMaxGroupNames; // search. NULL defaults to // SCard$DefaultReaders LPCGUID rgguidInterfaces; // OPTIONAL requested interfaces DWORD cguidInterfaces; // supported by card's SSP LPSTR lpstrCardNames; // OPTIONAL requested card names; all cards w/ DWORD nMaxCardNames; // matching ATRs will be accepted LPOCNCHKPROC lpfnCheck; // OPTIONAL if NULL no user check will be performed. LPOCNCONNPROCA lpfnConnect; // OPTIONAL if lpfnConnect is provided, LPOCNDSCPROC lpfnDisconnect; // lpfnDisconnect must also be set. LPVOID pvUserData; // OPTIONAL parameter to callbacks DWORD dwShareMode; // OPTIONAL must be set if lpfnCheck is not null DWORD dwPreferredProtocols; // OPTIONAL } OPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIAA, *POPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIAA, *LPOPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIAA; typedef struct { DWORD dwStructSize; LPWSTR lpstrGroupNames; // OPTIONAL reader groups to include in DWORD nMaxGroupNames; // search. NULL defaults to // SCard$DefaultReaders LPCGUID rgguidInterfaces; // OPTIONAL requested interfaces DWORD cguidInterfaces; // supported by card's SSP LPWSTR lpstrCardNames; // OPTIONAL requested card names; all cards w/ DWORD nMaxCardNames; // matching ATRs will be accepted LPOCNCHKPROC lpfnCheck; // OPTIONAL if NULL no user check will be performed. LPOCNCONNPROCW lpfnConnect; // OPTIONAL if lpfnConnect is provided, LPOCNDSCPROC lpfnDisconnect; // lpfnDisconnect must also be set. LPVOID pvUserData; // OPTIONAL parameter to callbacks DWORD dwShareMode; // OPTIONAL must be set if lpfnCheck is not null DWORD dwPreferredProtocols; // OPTIONAL } OPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIAW, *POPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIAW, *LPOPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIAW; #ifdef UNICODE typedef OPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIAW OPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIA; typedef POPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIAW POPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIA; typedef LPOPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIAW LPOPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIA; #else typedef OPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIAA OPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIA; typedef POPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIAA POPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIA; typedef LPOPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIAA LPOPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIA; #endif // UNICODE // // OPENCARDNAME_EX: used by SCardUIDlgSelectCard; replaces obsolete OPENCARDNAME // typedef struct { DWORD dwStructSize; // REQUIRED SCARDCONTEXT hSCardContext; // REQUIRED HWND hwndOwner; // OPTIONAL DWORD dwFlags; // OPTIONAL -- default is SC_DLG_MINIMAL_UI LPCSTR lpstrTitle; // OPTIONAL LPCSTR lpstrSearchDesc; // OPTIONAL (eg. "Please insert your smart card.") HICON hIcon; // OPTIONAL 32x32 icon for your brand insignia POPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIAA pOpenCardSearchCriteria; // OPTIONAL LPOCNCONNPROCA lpfnConnect; // OPTIONAL - performed on successful selection LPVOID pvUserData; // OPTIONAL parameter to lpfnConnect DWORD dwShareMode; // OPTIONAL - if lpfnConnect is NULL, dwShareMode and DWORD dwPreferredProtocols; // OPTIONAL dwPreferredProtocols will be used to // connect to the selected card LPSTR lpstrRdr; // REQUIRED [IN|OUT] Name of selected reader DWORD nMaxRdr; // REQUIRED [IN|OUT] LPSTR lpstrCard; // REQUIRED [IN|OUT] Name of selected card DWORD nMaxCard; // REQUIRED [IN|OUT] DWORD dwActiveProtocol; // [OUT] set only if dwShareMode not NULL SCARDHANDLE hCardHandle; // [OUT] set if a card connection was indicated } OPENCARDNAME_EXA, *POPENCARDNAME_EXA, *LPOPENCARDNAME_EXA; typedef struct { DWORD dwStructSize; // REQUIRED SCARDCONTEXT hSCardContext; // REQUIRED HWND hwndOwner; // OPTIONAL DWORD dwFlags; // OPTIONAL -- default is SC_DLG_MINIMAL_UI LPCWSTR lpstrTitle; // OPTIONAL LPCWSTR lpstrSearchDesc; // OPTIONAL (eg. "Please insert your smart card.") HICON hIcon; // OPTIONAL 32x32 icon for your brand insignia POPENCARD_SEARCH_CRITERIAW pOpenCardSearchCriteria; // OPTIONAL LPOCNCONNPROCW lpfnConnect; // OPTIONAL - performed on successful selection LPVOID pvUserData; // OPTIONAL parameter to lpfnConnect DWORD dwShareMode; // OPTIONAL - if lpfnConnect is NULL, dwShareMode and DWORD dwPreferredProtocols; // OPTIONAL dwPreferredProtocols will be used to // connect to the selected card LPWSTR lpstrRdr; // REQUIRED [IN|OUT] Name of selected reader DWORD nMaxRdr; // REQUIRED [IN|OUT] LPWSTR lpstrCard; // REQUIRED [IN|OUT] Name of selected card DWORD nMaxCard; // REQUIRED [IN|OUT] DWORD dwActiveProtocol; // [OUT] set only if dwShareMode not NULL SCARDHANDLE hCardHandle; // [OUT] set if a card connection was indicated } OPENCARDNAME_EXW, *POPENCARDNAME_EXW, *LPOPENCARDNAME_EXW; #ifdef UNICODE typedef OPENCARDNAME_EXW OPENCARDNAME_EX; typedef POPENCARDNAME_EXW POPENCARDNAME_EX; typedef LPOPENCARDNAME_EXW LPOPENCARDNAME_EX; #else typedef OPENCARDNAME_EXA OPENCARDNAME_EX; typedef POPENCARDNAME_EXA POPENCARDNAME_EX; typedef LPOPENCARDNAME_EXA LPOPENCARDNAME_EX; #endif // UNICODE #define OPENCARDNAMEA_EX OPENCARDNAME_EXA #define OPENCARDNAMEW_EX OPENCARDNAME_EXW #define POPENCARDNAMEA_EX POPENCARDNAME_EXA #define POPENCARDNAMEW_EX POPENCARDNAME_EXW #define LPOPENCARDNAMEA_EX LPOPENCARDNAME_EXA #define LPOPENCARDNAMEW_EX LPOPENCARDNAME_EXW // // SCardUIDlgSelectCard replaces GetOpenCardName // extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardUIDlgSelectCardA( LPOPENCARDNAMEA_EX); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardUIDlgSelectCardW( LPOPENCARDNAMEW_EX); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardUIDlgSelectCard SCardUIDlgSelectCardW #else #define SCardUIDlgSelectCard SCardUIDlgSelectCardA #endif // !UNICODE // // "Smart Card Common Dialog" definitions for backwards compatibility // with the Smart Card Base Services SDK version 1.0 // typedef struct { DWORD dwStructSize; HWND hwndOwner; SCARDCONTEXT hSCardContext; LPSTR lpstrGroupNames; DWORD nMaxGroupNames; LPSTR lpstrCardNames; DWORD nMaxCardNames; LPCGUID rgguidInterfaces; DWORD cguidInterfaces; LPSTR lpstrRdr; DWORD nMaxRdr; LPSTR lpstrCard; DWORD nMaxCard; LPCSTR lpstrTitle; DWORD dwFlags; LPVOID pvUserData; DWORD dwShareMode; DWORD dwPreferredProtocols; DWORD dwActiveProtocol; LPOCNCONNPROCA lpfnConnect; LPOCNCHKPROC lpfnCheck; LPOCNDSCPROC lpfnDisconnect; SCARDHANDLE hCardHandle; } OPENCARDNAMEA, *POPENCARDNAMEA, *LPOPENCARDNAMEA; typedef struct { DWORD dwStructSize; HWND hwndOwner; SCARDCONTEXT hSCardContext; LPWSTR lpstrGroupNames; DWORD nMaxGroupNames; LPWSTR lpstrCardNames; DWORD nMaxCardNames; LPCGUID rgguidInterfaces; DWORD cguidInterfaces; LPWSTR lpstrRdr; DWORD nMaxRdr; LPWSTR lpstrCard; DWORD nMaxCard; LPCWSTR lpstrTitle; DWORD dwFlags; LPVOID pvUserData; DWORD dwShareMode; DWORD dwPreferredProtocols; DWORD dwActiveProtocol; LPOCNCONNPROCW lpfnConnect; LPOCNCHKPROC lpfnCheck; LPOCNDSCPROC lpfnDisconnect; SCARDHANDLE hCardHandle; } OPENCARDNAMEW, *POPENCARDNAMEW, *LPOPENCARDNAMEW; #ifdef UNICODE typedef OPENCARDNAMEW OPENCARDNAME; typedef POPENCARDNAMEW POPENCARDNAME; typedef LPOPENCARDNAMEW LPOPENCARDNAME; #else typedef OPENCARDNAMEA OPENCARDNAME; typedef POPENCARDNAMEA POPENCARDNAME; typedef LPOPENCARDNAMEA LPOPENCARDNAME; #endif // UNICODE // Backwards compatibility macros #define OPENCARDNAME_A OPENCARDNAMEA #define OPENCARDNAME_W OPENCARDNAMEW #define POPENCARDNAME_A POPENCARDNAMEA #define POPENCARDNAME_W POPENCARDNAMEW #define LPOPENCARDNAME_A LPOPENCARDNAMEA #define LPOPENCARDNAME_W LPOPENCARDNAMEW extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI GetOpenCardNameA( LPOPENCARDNAMEA); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI GetOpenCardNameW( LPOPENCARDNAMEW); #ifdef UNICODE #define GetOpenCardName GetOpenCardNameW #else #define GetOpenCardName GetOpenCardNameA #endif // !UNICODE extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardDlgExtendedError (void); #if (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_VISTA) // // Smartcard Caching API // extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardReadCacheA( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in UUID *CardIdentifier, __in DWORD FreshnessCounter, __in LPSTR LookupName, __out_bcount(*DataLen) PBYTE Data, __out DWORD *DataLen); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardReadCacheW( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in UUID *CardIdentifier, __in DWORD FreshnessCounter, __in LPWSTR LookupName, __out_bcount(*DataLen) PBYTE Data, __out DWORD *DataLen); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardReadCache SCardReadCacheW #else #define SCardReadCache SCardReadCacheA #endif // !UNICODE extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardWriteCacheA( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in UUID *CardIdentifier, __in DWORD FreshnessCounter, __in LPSTR LookupName, __in_bcount(DataLen) PBYTE Data, __in DWORD DataLen); extern WINSCARDAPI LONG WINAPI SCardWriteCacheW( __in SCARDCONTEXT hContext, __in UUID *CardIdentifier, __in DWORD FreshnessCounter, __in LPWSTR LookupName, __in_bcount(DataLen) PBYTE Data, __in DWORD DataLen); #ifdef UNICODE #define SCardWriteCache SCardWriteCacheW #else #define SCardWriteCache SCardWriteCacheA #endif // !UNICODE #endif // (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_VISTA) #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // _WINSCARD_H_