at trunk

File build/cackey_osx_build/Template_pmbuild/ artifact 75581e5581 on branch trunk

<pkmkdoc spec="1.12">
		<title>CACKey for Mac OS X @@OSXVERSION@@</title>
		<userSees ui="both"/>
		<min-target os="@@TARGETOS@@"/>
		<domain system="true"/>
		<versions min-spec="1.000000"/>
		<choice title="CACKey PKCS#11 Library (Core)" id="cackey" starts_selected="true" starts_enabled="true" starts_hidden="false">
			<pkgref id=""/>
			<pkgref id=""/>
		<choice title="CACKey PKCS#11 Library (Debug)" id="cackeydebug" starts_selected="true" starts_enabled="true" starts_hidden="false">
			<pkgref id=""/>
		<choice title="PKCS11 Tokend Connector" id="PKCS11" starts_selected="true" starts_enabled="true" starts_hidden="false">
			<pkgref id=""/>
	<resources bg-scale="none" bg-align="topleft">
		<locale lang="en">
			<resource mime-type="text/rtf" kind="embedded" type="license">
{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 LucidaGrande;}

\f0\fs26 \cf0 Release information:\
    pkg: CACKey\
 author: US Army Corps of Engineers\
Mac build contact: Kenneth Van Alstyne <>\
                   Core Adaptive, LLC\
contact: Roy Keene <>\
The PKCS11.tokend connector module included in this package is licensed under\
the APSL. See:\
The following files in the source directory are the intellectual property of the\
Free Software Foundation and are licensed under the terms of the GNU General\
Public License (GPL):\
	config.guess, config.sub, install-sh\
The files in the source directory and the "leakcheck" directory are the intellectual\
property of the United States Government.  It is not clear which, if any,\
license is made on them.  In addition, as of 07-JUN-2010 they have not\
been cleared for public release.\
The files in the "pkcs11/" directory are licensed under the terms of the\
following licenses:\
	mypkcs11.h : GNU General Public License 2.1.\
	pkcs11.h   : GNU General Public License 2.1.\
	pkcs11f.h  : GNU General Public License 2.1.\
	pkcs11n.h  : Mozilla Public License or GNU General Public License\
	pkcs11t.h  : GNU General Public License 2.1.}]]>
			<resource mime-type="text/rtf" kind="embedded" type="readme">
{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 LucidaGrande;}

\f0\fs26 \cf0 Thank you for choosing to install CACKey.\
To use CACKey, install /Library/CACKey/libcackey.dylib or\
/usr/local/lib/pkcs11/cackey.dylib as a security module into any application that can use a PKCS#11 provider.\
A PKCS11 Connector for Tokend (Keychain Access) will be installed in /Library/Security/tokend.\
To use, be sure to import the certificate authorities into Keychain Access.\
A debug version, /Library/CACKey/libcackey_g.dylib is provided if debug output is necessary.}]]>
		<requirement id="tosv" operator="ge" value="'@@CUROSXVER@@'">
			<message>This CACKey release requires Mac OS X @@CUROSXVER@@.</message>
	<item type="file">01libcackey.xml</item>
	<item type="file">02libcackey.xml</item>
	<item type="file">03libcackey.xml</item>
	<item type="file">04pkcs11tokend.xml</item>