/* * Google's PCSC library requires us to write our module in C++ (thanks, Google) * This library wraps the actual library, written in C. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pcsc-nacl.h" #include "cackey-chrome.h" class CACKeyInstance : public pp::Instance { private: void pcscNaClInitWrapper(pp::Core *core) { pcscNaClInit(this, core); } public: explicit CACKeyInstance(PP_Instance instance, pp::Core *core) : pp::Instance(instance) { std::thread(&CACKeyInstance::pcscNaClInitWrapper, this, core).detach(); } virtual ~CACKeyInstance() {} virtual void HandleMessageThread(pp::VarDictionary *message) { int numCertificates, i; struct cackey_certificate *certificates; pp::VarDictionary *reply; pp::VarArray certificatesPPArray; pp::VarArrayBuffer *certificateContents; pp::Var command, incomingCertificateContents; /* * Extract the command */ command = message->Get("command"); /* * Do the thing we are being asked to do */ reply = new pp::VarDictionary(); if (command.AsString() == "listcertificates") { numCertificates = cackey_chrome_listCertificates(&certificates); certificatesPPArray.SetLength(numCertificates); for (i = 0; i < numCertificates; i++) { certificateContents = new pp::VarArrayBuffer(certificates[i].certificate_len); memcpy(certificateContents->Map(), certificates[i].certificate, certificates[i].certificate_len); certificateContents->Unmap(); certificatesPPArray.Set(i, *certificateContents); delete certificateContents; } cackey_chrome_freeCertificates(certificates, numCertificates); reply->Set("status", "success"); reply->Set("certificates", certificatesPPArray); } else if (command.AsString() == "sign") { if (!message->HasKey("certificate")) { reply->Set("status", "error"); reply->Set("error", "Certificate not supplied"); } else { incomingCertificateContents = message->Get("certificate"); reply->Set("status", "error"); reply->Set("error", "This function is not yet implemented"); } } else { reply->Set("status", "error"); reply->Set("error", "Invalid command"); } /* * If a message ID was sent in the request, include it in the reply */ if (message->HasKey("id")) { reply->Set("id", message->Get("id")); } /* * Indicate who our message is for */ reply->Set("target", "cackey"); reply->Set("command", command); /* * Send the reply back to the requestor, hopefully they are waiting for this message */ PostMessage(*reply); delete reply; delete message; return; } virtual void HandleMessage(const pp::Var& messagePlain) { pp::VarDictionary *message; pp::Var target; /* * The incoming message must be a dictionary */ if (!messagePlain.is_dictionary()) { pcscNaClHandleMessage(messagePlain); return; } /* * Process the appropriate command from the incoming message */ message = new pp::VarDictionary(messagePlain); /* * Verify that this message is destined for us */ if (!message->HasKey("target")) { delete message; pcscNaClHandleMessage(messagePlain); return; } target = message->Get("target"); if (target.AsString() != "cackey") { delete message; pcscNaClHandleMessage(messagePlain); return; } /* * Determine what we are being asked to do */ if (!message->HasKey("command")) { delete message; pcscNaClHandleMessage(messagePlain); return; } /* * Process the request in another thread */ std::thread(&CACKeyInstance::HandleMessageThread, this, message).detach(); return; } }; class CACKeyModule : public pp::Module { public: CACKeyModule() : pp::Module() {} virtual ~CACKeyModule() {} virtual pp::Instance *CreateInstance(PP_Instance instance) { return(new CACKeyInstance(instance, core())); } }; namespace pp { Module *CreateModule() { return(new CACKeyModule()); } }